ISSN 2071-8136 (print)
ISSN 2071-8144 (online)

List of issues > Siberian Law Herald 2020.

Forest Legislation in the Reign of Nicholas I

Chernykh Vladimir Vasilievich
The article highlights the improvement of Russian forest law during the reign of Nicholas I, notes his contribution to the improvement of forest legislation, the development of such a social institution as the Forest Department, comprehensively examines its activities for the conservation, protection and restoration of forests of the Russian Empire. The forest protection policy of Russia in comparison with the previous periods is analyzed, changes in forest branch, improvement in administrative structure of Forest Department are scrupulously tracked. Imperial Decrees and resolutions of forest character are analyzed, special attention is devoted to creation in the country of forest guards, improvement of their professionalism, training of forest specialists abroad, the aspiration of the Emperor for ensuring integrity of the woods necessary for shipbuilding is emphasized, features of criminal forest violations are considered. The efforts of the state to create a domestic forest education, from independent forest schools and schools to a full-fledged Forest Institute with branches and subsidiary forestry are considered. Acceptance and action of various forest legalizations and orders of the Emperor and forest departments is analyzed. The necessity of forest distribution between different departments, carried out by the Minister of Finance E. F. Kankrin, is substantiated and doubts are expressed about the effectiveness of this project. The establishment Of the Department of State Property as an important part of the Ministry of Finance is considered, its structure is shown, and then the creation on the basis of the Department of state property of the Ministry of state property is analyzed and the activities of its first head count Kiselev are covered. Recreates the formation of the Corps of Foresters and reveals its activities, shows in detail the structure of the Corps and its military component. There is doubt about the forest policy pursued by the state with an emphasis on the prevalence of private property trends that have become popular at this time.
Nicholas I, forest legislation, forest department, forest charter, forest inventory, forest protection, forest schools and institutions, ministry of finance, department of state property, rational forestry, forest policy, codification of forest legislation of Russia in the nicholas era
About the Authors

Chernykh Vladimir Vasilievich

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Department of Philosophy, Psychology and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,

664071, Russia, Irkutsk, ul. Lermontov 110,


For citation
Chernykh V. V. Forest Legislation in the Reign of Nicholas I. Sibirskij yuridicheskij vestnik, 2020, no 1 (88), pp. 15–21. (in Russian)

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Full text (russian)