ISSN 2071-8136 (print)
ISSN 2071-8144 (online)

The rules of direction, reviewing and publishing of scientific articles


1.1. These rules determine order of direction, reviewing and publishing of scientific articles in the journal «Siberian Law Herald» (hereinafter – «journal») published by the Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education «The Irkutsk State University» (hereinafter – «ISU»).
1.2. The articles on wide range of problems in legal knowledge are published in the journal.
1.3. The obligations arising from content formation of the journal and its publication are remained with organization departments of ISU: Law Institute of ISU and the publishing office of ISU.
1.4. The purpose of these rules is guarantee of high quality of scientific articles published in the journal.



2.1. The ISU is followed by international rules of copyright protection, statutes of the RF law in place, international publishing standards in the process of publishing activities.
2.2. Sending the article as reworded by the journal, the author provides to editor of the journal free law on publication of article and distribution it in the Internet. Whereby intellectual rights on writing are kept by the author.
2.3. Sending the article as reworded by the journal, the author guarantee that the article is an original work of the author. The author is aware of that available article shall carry scientific novelty. In case the author uses any publication in his/her research, the corresponding bibliographical ref shall be formally established to its. The excess drawings and plagiary, designedly inveracious confirmations are not held much truck with.
2.4. Sending the article as reworded by the journal, the author agrees to processing of personal data (elicitation, arrangement, accumulation, holding, improvement (updating, changing), using, depersonalization, blocking, annihilation).
2.5. The author bears liability for content and language of the article, selection and authenticity of enumerated facts, terms, quotations, and also exploitation of the data unappropriated for public media. The editorial staff has a right to eloin of the article about publication that a decision has made for a moment, in case if the article infringes anybody’s rights or customaries of scientific ethics. The editorial staff shall report to the author about fact of eloin of the article.
2.6. The author bears liability for credibility of information about coauthor of the article, record individuals and source of funding of a work which results are bewrited in the article.
2.7. The editorial ethics stipulates fair and impersonal referee process independent of commercial interests and conjunctural needs.
2.8. Redactors shall protect sustainability of publish creations, respect opinion of the author, coordinate necessary corrections, suppress attempted attack of the copyright in the process of citation and usage of other objects of the copyright.
2.9. The editorial staff pursues a policy of warning and regulation of editorial conflicts.
2.10. The editorial staff disregards articles simultaneously proposed for publication in other journals and also works which has already been published. The consideration of the article after publication preliminary results doesn’t exclude i.e. thesis or statements submit to approval scientific conferences.


3.1. Scientific articles sent to the editorial office of the journal for publication must be original scientific research carried out on a relevant topic in the field of jurisprudence, corresponding to a high scientific level and having scientific novelty. Articles that do not meet these requirements are not subject to publication in the journal.
3.2. The originality of each article is checked by the editors using the appropriate software and hardware systems. As a rule, articles are allowed for publication, the level of originality of the text of which is at least 70%. At the same time, up to 30% are quotations and common expressions, incorrect quotation (plagiarism) is not allowed, if it is found, the editorial board stops cooperation with the author.
3.3. The article should be clearly structured and have the following elements:
3.3.1. Introduction
3.3.2. Materials and research methods
3.3.3. Literature review (optional section, in the text - at the discretion of the author)
3.3.4. Research results
3.3.5. Discussions and conclusions
3.3.6. Acknowledgments (optional section, in the text - at the discretion of the author)
At the discretion of the author, other sections can also be highlighted.
3.4. As a rule, during one calendar year, the journal does not publish more than two articles prepared individually by one author.
3.5. In a scientific article sent to the editorial office of the journal, in addition to the main text, the following data must be indicated:
- surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the authors (in full);
- place of work of each author in the nominative case, position;
- academic degree, academic title, honorary title;
- contact information (legal address of the place of work, phone number, e-mail), in case of co-authorship, it is necessary to indicate the e-mail of the author, who should be contacted regarding the article;
- author's share (only in Russian);
- RSCI AuthorI D;
- Research ID (optional);
- annotation (200-2000 characters);
- keywords. Each keyword or phrase is separated from the other by a comma or semicolon;
- UDC code;
- article title;
- scientific specialty, which corresponds to the article.
The data specified in this clause must be provided in Russian and English.
3.6. The design of the article must meet the following requirements:
- the volume of the main text of the article is 10-15 pages of A4 format (deviation from the specified volume is allowed only by decision of the editorial office of the journal);
- margins (left, right, top, bottom) - 2 cm;
- font - Times New Roman,
- size - 14;
- line spacing - one and a half;
- paragraph indentation - 1.25 cm (it is not allowed to set it with a tab character);
- the title of the article and the headings of the sections are highlighted in bold;
- references in the article must be drawn up according to the list of used literature: the number of the source in the list and the page of the quotation, separated from it by a comma, is indicated in square brackets (for example: "..." [3, p. 108]);
- sources in the list of used literature are arranged in alphabetical order, sources in foreign languages are given after Russian-language sources, if the source has a DOI index, it must be indicated;
- a list of used literature with an indication of the number of pages (for articles - with an indication of the range of pages) is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008;
- the list of used literature should include only those sources to which references are made in the text of the article;
- the list of used literature, as a rule, should include at least five sources;
- after the list of used literature in Russian, the article contains the References section;
- references to regulatory legal acts, court decisions, acts of other law enforcement agencies, standards, archives, Internet resources and other similar sources should be drawn up as footnotes. The relevant sources are not indicated in the list of used literature;
- in the article, it is allowed to provide notes in the format of footnotes. In the notes, references can also be made to the literature, which should be drawn up as a general rule;
- the numbering of all footnotes given in the article should be continuous;
- all regulatory legal acts, court decisions and other official documents must be provided with the necessary details, as well as indicating the source of publication or collection of documents in which they are contained.
The presence of a large number of gross spelling and grammatical errors in the article excludes its publication.
3.7. To confirm the reliability of the information about the author, together with the scientific article, it is necessary to submit to the editorial office a document confirming the direction of the article by the author indicated in it. The relevant document may be an extract from the decision of the department (scientific unit) where the work was performed, with the recommendation of this article for publication (the signature of the head of the unit on the extract is certified by the relevant personnel structure) or a notarized statement of authorship.
3.8. Scientific articles must be submitted to the editorial office in electronic form. Documents attached to scientific articles are submitted to the editor in the form of electronic scanned documents.
3.9. Documents in electronic form are sent through the website in the author's personal account, with email notification to e-mail addresse:



4.1. All scientific articles relevant remit of the journal get through independent reviewing for the purpose of its expert appraisement.
4.2. The reviewing of the articles is organized by the Editorial board of the journal under formation by Law Institute of the ISU. In the Editorial board of the journal shall be included upwards of eight expert in jurisprudence – Candidate of Science or Doctor of Science or holder received in a foreign country significantly contributed in elaboration of relevant field of science.
4.3. The reviewers of scientific articles can act members of the Editorial board of the journal, professors and associate professor relevant departments of Law Institute of the ISU and also experts (Candidate of Science or Doctor of Science) from other organizations. Some reviewer can be at the one article. In the case of a negative review the editorial board has the right to send the article for reviewing to another specialist. In case of divergence among the opinions of two reviewers the article is sent for reviewing to a third expert.
4.4. All reviewers shall be acknowledged experts on theme review information and shall be having during last three years of publication on theme review article. The reviews are keeping in publishing office and in the editorial staff of publication during five years.
4.5. Peer review articles in the journal is private, information about the reviewer must be in the journal and not reported authors. Reviewing was carried out through the personal account of the reviewer. The reviewer, while evaluating the article, has no information about the identity of the author(s), that is, the review is two-way blind.
4.6. Peer reviewer, looking for maximum objectivity, conducts scientific expertise represented by the author of the article. Peer reviewer should refrain from exercising peer review if he has a personal interest in the outcome of the peer review represented manuscripts or absence, in its opinion, sufficient competence for its scientific evaluation.
4.7. If the peer review of the article there is a reference to the need to correct it, the article is sent back for revision. In this case the date of receipt of the editors is the date of the return of the modified article.
4.8. Journal staff sends to the authors of submissions by the personal account of the author and (or) e-mail copies of the reviews or motivated refusal. Journal staff sends copies of peer reviews in the Ministry of Education and Science at receipt in the Journal staff of the corresponding request.
4.9. Peer reviewer recommendations are the basis for a decision on whether publication of the article. The final decision on the inclusion of articles and other materials in the Journal takes the editorial staff of Journal, which selects for the publication of meeting the relevance and high scientific level, interesting enough to a wider audience, as well as having a good writing style.
4.10. Peer review and taking a decision about the publication or to refuse in publication of a scientific article to be implemented within three months of receipt of a fully executed article with all necessary documents to the Journal staff. On the acceptance or rejection of the article for publication the author is notified by the personal account of the author and (or) e-mail.
4.11. If the number of scientific articles recommended for publication exceeds the number of places in the relevant section, the editorial staff may decide on the formulation of a scientific article in the queue for publication. The relevant decisions, as well as the projected timing of publication of the author must be notified by e-mail.
4.12. At any stage prior to the publication of a scientific article in the Journal the author may refuse to publish, sending a message to the Editor.
4.13. The fee for the publication of scientific articles in the journal is not charged.
4.14. To obtain an instance the author's journal is necessary to issue one-year subscription to the Journal of the union catalog «The Russian Press». Index – 39083.
Annotation and keywords (in Russian)
Short Rules (in Russian)
Article layout example (in Russian)