ISSN 2071-8136 (print)
ISSN 2071-8144 (online)

List of issues > Siberian Law Herald 2020.

Some Historical Background Formation of the Mechanism of International Legal Protection of Lake Baikal

Shornikov Dmitry Vladimirovich
The article explores some historical background of the formation of the modern mechanism of international legal protection of Lake Baikal. As part of the project to build the concept of international legal protection of Lake Baikal, carried out in the framework of scientific project No. 20-011-00618 A and supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, relying on the comparative historical research method, the process of formation and development of a number of elements of such mechanism, a significant part of which naturally refers to the post-Soviet period of the late eighties of the last century - the beginning of the current one. Some political declarations and agreements in the field of international cooperation for the protection of Lake Baikal are considered. Special attention is paid to the implementation of various international projects in the field of legal protection of Baikal, based on intergovernmental agreements, first of all, such a joint project of the Global Environment Foundation and the Government of the Russian Federation as the Biodiversity Conservation Strategy of Lake Baikal. The main provisions and conclusions of both the Strategy for the conservation of biodiversity of Lake Baikal and related documents are examined in detail. Based on the analysis, the undoubted advantages of the implemented process are ascertained, at the same time, special attention is paid to its shortcomings, which should be taken into account at the present stage of development of the international legal protection of the ecosystem of Lake Baikal based on appropriate transformations.
lake Baikal, international legal mechanism for environmental protection, comparative historical method, biodiversity conservation strategy of lake Baikal
About the Authors

Shornikov Dmitry V.

Ph. D. (Law), Associate Professor, Law Institute of Irkutsk State University, of the Legal Protection of Baikal of Irkutsk State University.

1, K. Marx st., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation


For citation
Some Historical Background Formation of the Mechanism of International Legal Protection of Lake Baikal. Sibirskij yuridicheskij vestnik, 2020, no 1 (88), pp. 112–119. (in Russian)

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Full text (russian)