ISSN 2071-8136 (print)
ISSN 2071-8144 (online)

List of issues > Siberian Law Herald 2021. 2

AUE* Movement as a Criminal Phenomenon that Determines the Development of Professional Crime: the Essence and Methods of Struggle* The organization is banned in the Russian Federation

Zarubina Kristina Alexandrovna
The article highlights the development and activities of such informal youth movement as «the criminal unity of Prisoners»,«the urkagan unity of Prisoners» or «the way of life of Prisoners is one» (hereinafter-AUE), which supports, promotes and develops the ideology of criminal «romance», criminal subculture. The main reasons for the formation of the informal youth movement in Russia and the version of the concept of AUE are considered. The main features of AUE associations are investigated: stability; stability of the composition (2 or more persons); common intent of members of associations aimed at preparing and committing crimes of extremist orientation (on the ideological component); coordination of actions of members of the Association; main-taining and promoting a criminal subculture; the presence of an organizer (leader) in the Association, connections with the criminal world, etc. The article studies the influence of this criminal phenomenon on the behavior of modern youth, as well as on the development of crime in modern Russia, including one of its most dangerous varieties - professional criminal activity. The main problems of bringing persons belonging to the AUE movement to administrative and criminal responsibility are considered. The article analyzes the activities of members of AUE associations in terms of extremism, as well as the possibility of bringing persons belonging to AUE associations to criminal responsibility under article 282.1 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation. As a practical conclusion, a list of signs of AUE associations that a law enforcement officer can refer to when qualifying crimes under article 282.1 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation is presented.
Arresting criminal unity, Arresting-urkagan unity, Arresting way of life is one, AUE, criminal subculture, extremism
About the Authors
Zarubina Kristina Alexandrovna – Graduate Student, South-West State University (94, 50 let Oktyabrya st., Kursk, 305040, Russian Federation), e-mail:
For citation
Zarubina K.A. Dvizhenie «AUE» kak kriminal'noe yavlenie, determiniruyushchee razvitie professional'noj prestupnosti: sushchnost' i sposoby bor'by [Movement as a Criminal Phenomenon that Determines the Development of Professional Crime: the Essence and Methods of Struggle] Sibirskij yuridicheskij vestnik [Siberian Law Herald]. 2021, no 2(93), pp. 72–79. DOI 10.26516/2071-8136.2021.2.72. (in Russian).
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