ISSN 2071-8136 (print)
ISSN 2071-8144 (online)

List of issues > Siberian Law Herald 2022. 1

Received on 03.12.2021; approved on 28.12.2021; accepted for publication on 16.02.2022

The Role of the Prosecutor's Office in Protecting the Labor Rights of Employees

Komkov Sergey Aleksandrovich
Protecting the labor rights and interests of citizens is one of the important tasks of the Russian prosecutor’s office. The subject of prosecutorial supervision over compliance with labor legislation and labor protection is implemented in three main areas, in particular, compliance with and implementation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor, by-laws adopted by federal executive authorities and executive authorities subjects of the Russian Federation, acts of local self-government bodies, acts of regulatory bodies and their officials, as well as local regulatory legal acts adopted in commercial and non-commercial organizations, from employers - individuals who are individual entrepreneurs. Wherein the prosecutor is obliged to monitor the observance of labor rights and interests of employees by employers, established not only by regulatory legal acts adopted by state and municipal bodies, but also by acts of social partnership. The main areas of interaction between the federal labor inspectorate and the prosecutor’s office of the Russian Federation are, in particular, the fact that employees of the prosecutor’s office and state labor inspectors regularly share important information about the established violations of labor legislation, including about representatives of the employer brought to legal responsibility under Art. ... Art. 5.27 and 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and the fact that prosecutors are usually employed as specialists of state labor inspectors in order to closely monitor compliance with labor legislation. Prosecutors must protect not only the right of workers to timely and full payment of wages, but also other labor rights and interests of citizens.
state supervision and control, prosecutor’s office, acts of social partnership, payment of wages, labor inspection, going to court for resolving an individual labor dispute, actual admission of individuals, labor protection
About the Authors
Komkov Sergey Aleksandrovich – Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law, Law Institute, Irkutsk State University (1, K. Markх st., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation), ORCID: 0000-0002-6039-8386, e-mail: misterkomkо
For citation
Komkov S. A. Rol' prokuratury v zashchite trudovyh prav naemnyh rabotnikov [The Role of the Prosecutor's Office in Protecting the Labor Rights of Employees] Sibirskij yuridicheskij vestnik [Siberian Law Herald]. 2022, no 1(96), pp. 57–61. DOI 10.26516/2071-8136.2022.1.57. (in Russian).
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Full text (russian)