ISSN 2071-8136 (print)
ISSN 2071-8144 (online)

List of issues > Siberian Law Herald 2024. 1

Received on 01.07.2023; approved on 19.11.2023; accepted for publication on 09.02.2024

The importance of crime indicators in assessing the activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation

Malykhina Tatiana Anatolievna
The article deals with issues related to the analysis of quantitative and qualitative indicators of crime and their role in assessing the effectiveness of the activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. The issues of ensuring the effectiveness of anti-crime measures are highlighted. The analysis of the state and dynamics of crime in modern Russia and its detection is given. The problematic issues of the effectiveness of the applied norms, primarily criminal legislation, and its relationship with crime indicators are considered. An assessment of the role of latent criminal in this regard is given. Quantitative indicators of crime are studied from the position of indicating the effectiveness of the application of normative legal acts directly aimed at combating crime.
crime, latent crime, crime indicators, crime prevention, internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the effectiveness of modern legislation, the effectiveness of the application of regulatory legal acts
About the Authors
Malykhina Tatiana Anatolievna – Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Organization of Judicial and Law Enforcement Activities, East Siberian Branch of the Russian State University of Justice (23a, Ivan Franko st., Irkutsk, 664074, Russian Federation), ORCID: 0000-0002-2350-9702, RSCI AuthorID: 736584, е-mail:
For citation
Malykhina T. A. The importance of crime indicators in assessing the activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation [Znachenie pokazatelej prestupnosti pri ocenke deyatel'nosti organov vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii] Sibirskij yuridicheskij vestnik [Siberian Law Herald]. 2024, no 1(104), pp. 102–106. – DOI 10.26516/2071-8136.2024.1.102 (in Russian)
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Full text (russian)