ISSN 2071-8136 (print)
ISSN 2071-8144 (online)

List of issues > Siberian Law Herald 2024. 2

Received on 26.03.2024; approved on 26.04.2024; accepted for publication on 08.05.2024.

Interaction of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation with law enforcement agencies of the states that are members of the Сommonwealth of independent States on combating organized crime

Kalenyuk Igor Petrovich Kuznetsov Evgeny Viktorovich Gorbacheva Elena Vasilievna
The article reveals the legal basis for cooperation between the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation on combating organized crime with law enforcement agencies of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The organizational and other forms of this interstate cooperation are described. Attention is focused on the important role of such a body as the Bureau for the Coordination of the Fight against Organized Crime and Other Dangerous Types of Crimes in ensuring cooperation in the territory of the CIS member States. Statistical data reflecting the results of cooperation between the countries in the field of combating organized crime are presented. There are a number of organizational and legal problems that have a negative impact on the effectiveness of interstate cooperation. In particular, the problems found are related to the use by the CIS countries of joint investigative task forces and common criminal information databases in the course of countering crime, as well as the sending of interstate requests.
organized crime, criminal communities, interstate cooperation, international agreements, interaction, investigative groups, investigative and operational groups, operational search activities, Commonwealth of Independent States, CIS, BKBOP, interstate search, records, data banks, Interpol, exchange of operational information, international inquiry
About the Authors
Kalenyuk Igor Petrovich – head of the Inter-municipal Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “Ust-Ilimsky” (2, Dekabristov st., Ust-Ilimsk, 666685, Russian Federation), RSCI AuthorID: 50365752, e-mail:

Kuznetsov Evgeny Viktorovich – Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Judicial Law, Law Institute, Irkutsk State University (1, K. Marx st., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation), ORCID: 0000-0002-0615-1251, RSCI AuthorID: 212790,

Gorbacheva Elena Vasilievna – Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Judicial Law, Law Institute, Irkutsk State University (1, K. Marx st., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation), ORCID: 0009-0003-1700-0883, RSCI AuthorID: 525352, e-mail:
For citation
Kalenyuk I. P., Kuznetsov E. V., Gorbacheva E. V. Vzaimodejstvie organov vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii s pravoohranitel'nymi organami gosudarstv, yavlyayushchimisya chlenami Sodruzhestva nezavisimyh gosudarstv, po voprosam protivodejstviya organizovannoj prestupnosti [Interaction of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation with law enforcement agencies of the states that are members of the Сommonwealth of independent States on combating organized crime] Sibirskij yuridicheskij vestnik [Siberian Law Herald]. 2024, no 2(105), pp. 112–119. – DOI 10.26516/2071-8136.2024.2.112 (in Russian)
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Full text (russian)