ISSN 2071-8136 (print)
ISSN 2071-8144 (online)

List of issues > Siberian Law Herald 2024. 4

Received on 03.08.2024; approved on 12.09.2024; accepted for publication on 13.11.2024.

Assessment of some quantitative and qualitative indicators of crimes related to giving and receiving bribes and other types of illegal remuneration

Nikonov Pavel Vladimirovich
Statistical indicators of crimes related to giving and receiving bribes and other types of illegal remuneration are analyzed. Their positive dynamics has been determined, which demonstrates a general trend towards an increase in quantitative values. At the same time, there is a tendency to decrease the total number of corruption-related crimes, the reason for which is explained by an increase in accounting and registration discipline. Trend lines have been identified, indicating a multidirectional dynamics of corruption-related crimes and crimes related to giving and receiving bribes and other types of illegal remuneration. An increasing trend of crimes related to giving and receiving bribes and other types of illegal remuneration in the general structure of corruption crimes, which prevail in the structure of corruption-related crimes, has been identified. It is noted that most of the registered corruption-related crimes are cases of bribery, which form the “core” of the studied group of crimes. The results of the analysis of statistical data are summarized, which clearly demonstrate the stable position of crimes of this type in the general structure of corruption-related crimes and the insufficient effectiveness of the efforts undertaken by the state to counteract their commission.
statistical indicators, corruption crimes, the number and structure of registered crimes, bribery, illegal remuneration, the dynamics of corruption-related crimes, the trend line
About the Authors
Nikonov Pavel Vladimirovich – Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Criminal Law, Irkutsk Law Institute (branch) of the University of Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation (1, Shevtsov st., Irkutsk, 664035, Russian Federation), ORCID: 0000-0003-2721-0481, RSCI AuthorID: 396423, e-mail:
For citation
Nikonov P. V. Ocenka nekotoryh kolichestvennyh i kachestvennyh pokazatelej prestuplenij, svyazannyh s dachej i polucheniem vzyatki i inymi vidami nezakonnogo voznagrazhdeniya [Assessment of some quantitative and qualitative indicators of crimes related to giving and receiving bribes and other types of illegal remuneration] Sibirskij yuridicheskij vestnik [Siberian Law Herald]. 2024, no 4(107), pp. 98–103. – DOI 10.26516/2071-8136.2024.4.98 (in Russian)
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Full text (russian)