ISSN 2071-8136 (print)
ISSN 2071-8144 (online)

List of issues > Siberian Law Herald 2020.

Соотношение диспозитивности и состязательности в юридическом процессе (теоретико-правовой аспект)

Sumenkov Sergey Yurievich, Katomina Victoria Alexandrovna
A comparative analysis of optionality and competition as principles of justice. It is noted the issue of certainty of these basic ideas in legal science. Draws attention to the unity of optionality and competition, expressed in the direction of these principles on the protection of human rights in implementing justice and a fair investigation of the facts of the case. Optionalityand competition combine qualitative characteristics of the principles of law and, at the same time, methods of legal action; implementerade in the rule of law, making a special Institute in the legal system. Optionality and competition that determine the dynamics of the legal process, the fundamental principle of competition which serves the interests of its members. The presence of optionality and competitiveness directly correlates with the principle of equality of the parties, as well as with the necessity of establishing the truth. Named and explains the distinction between optionality and competition: the breadth and scale of the impact on social relations; formalized in the regulations; the persons; the content of principles of justice. Optionality and competitiveness - Autonomous phenomena. Optionality is not part of the competition, as competitiveness is not a sign of optionality. The optionality should be denoted as a set of rights and responsibilities for resolution of legal cases, at its discretion, within the boundaries of a particular legal relationship. The contents of competitiveness includes the provision by the parties of the legal process the evidence in support of his interest. It is concluded that, despite certain differences, the adversarial and optionality, as a part of the legal process, are interrelated. Both of them assume the initiative and activity of the constituent entities of the process necessary to achieve their goals. Competitiveness is an important factor in the implementation of optionality, as well as the optionality is a guarantee of the implementation of the competition.
competitiveness, dispositivity, legal process, principle of legal proceedings, activity of the parties, evidence, rights and obligations of the parties
About the Authors

Sumenkov Sergey Yurievich

doctor of law, associate Professor, Professor of the Department of state and legal disciplines, Penza state University,

40, Krasnaya str., Penza, Russian Federation, 440026


Katomina Victoria Alexandrovna

associate Professor of the Department of state and legal disciplines, Ph. D. in Law, associate Professor, Penza state University,

40, Krasnaya str., Penza, Russian Federation, 440026


For citation
The Relationship of Dispositivity and Competitiveness in the Legal Process (Theoretical and Legal Aspect). Sibirskij yuridicheskij vestnik, 2020, no 1 (88), pp. 9–14. (in Russian)

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Full text (russian)