ISSN 2071-8136 (print)
ISSN 2071-8144 (online)

List of issues > Siberian Law Herald 2020.

Constitutional and Legal Nature of Public Chambers of Municipalities in the Russian Federation

Safin Dmitry Alekseevich
The article considers the problem of understanding the constitutional and legal nature of public chambers of municipalities in the Russian Federation. The creation of public chambers at various levels of organization of political power has become a common and widely used practice. At the same time, often, public chambers became either the object of manipulation by individual officials or the arena of political struggle, which significantly undermined the role and importance of public chambers within the Russian political system. The specifics of the public chambers of municipalities, which are structured within the framework of not municipal but municipal power, remained all the more obscure, and, therefore, the legal nature of such public chambers should be correlated with the constitutional and legal nature of local self-government. A variety of approaches to understanding the constitutional and legal nature of a public chamber is investigated, it concludes that there are a combination of properties of public chambers that determine the specifics of a given education. The article analyzes these properties, concludes that the combination of these properties justifies the complex constitutional and legal nature of public chambers, including at the level of municipalities. The article discusses how this specific constitutional nature of public chambers of municipalities affects their functioning. A number of short stories are proposed that make it possible to realize to the greatest extent the specifics of the constitutional legal status of public chambers of municipalities, both from the point of view of building links between these entities (horizontal and vertical) with other public chambers, and from the point of view of interaction with local authorities of municipalities taking into account the specifics of a two-tier system of local self-government in the Russian Federation and the multiplicity of models of local government organization, dumb in Russia.
political power, constitutional construction, local government, legal nature, public chamber
About the Authors

Safin Dmitry Alekseevich

Postgraduate, Department of Constitutional Law and Theory of Law, Law Institute of the Irkutsk State University

Russia, 664003, Irkutsk, ul. K. Marx, 1


For citation
Constitutional and Legal Nature of Public Chambers of Municipalities in the Russian Federation. Sibirskij yuridicheskij vestnik, 2020, no 1 (88), pp. 22–27. (in Russian)

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Full text (russian)