ISSN 2071-8136 (print)
ISSN 2071-8144 (online)

List of issues > Siberian Law Herald 2020.

Legal Status of Participating Commissions in the Russian Federation: Critical Analysis

Khvalev Sergei Anatolyevich
The activity of the bodies, whose aim is to ensure the process of periodic renewal of power, is the object of close attention from the society side. And it simply cannot be the other way, since elections based on democratic principles are the basic social need, while the power changed in a civilized way is a condition for the progressive development of all social institutions, a guarantee that everybody is equal before the law, as well as a precondition for a fair division of public wealth. At the same time, in the context of any election campaign the main burden of responsibility, when we speak about professionalism in the organization of election procedures, as well as legality and reliability of the results of voting, is held by election commissions at the precinct level. In connection with it there is a completely logical question, regarding the basis for the effective operation of these bodies. The general factor of the optimal activity of precinct commissions is the competent and balanced legal regulation of their legal status. Thus, incomplete or contradictory legislative regulation of any of these elements of the legal status of precinct commissions brings to nothing any preconditions for professional and efficient work of such bodies. In this study we are going to consider theoretical and practical problems in the activities of precinct commissions in the Russian Federation, arising because of weak legislative regulation. The study concluded that the regulation of the legal status of precinct commissions in Russia is far from perfect. The recently updated mechanism for the formation of such commissions has aggravated the situation. The study proves the fact that in solving such difficulties as improving the professionalism of members of precinct commissions, the progressive formation of precinct commissions there are no advancements, which weakly contributes to the development of the electoral system as a whole.
elections, electoral process, electoral system, precinct commissions, electoral body, commission member, status of precinct commissions, responsibility, decision of a commission, voting results
About the Authors

Khvalev Sergei Anatolyevich

deputy general director of Limited Liability Company «Rusit».

664014, Irkutskaya oblast, Irkutsk, 16 Marata St.

For citation
Legal Status of Participating Commissions in the Russian Federation: Critical Analysis. Sibirskij yuridicheskij vestnik, 2020, no 1 (88), pp. 28–37. (in Russian)

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Full text (russian)