ISSN 2071-8136 (print)
ISSN 2071-8144 (online)

List of issues > Siberian Law Herald 2020.

The Right to Make Public Another Person’s Work in the Public Domain

Batrameeva Nadezhda Vladislavovna
The author proposes to single out separate non-personal non-property right to make public another person’s work in the public domain on the ground of civil law rules formalizing the possibility of making public a work in the public domain. The study notes that this right can arise only after the death of the author of unpublished work providing that written author’s prohibition on making public such work was not made. The research reveals non-property and property interests that are protected and ensured by the right to make public another person’s work in the public domain. In accordance with current legislation this right can be acquired by physical persons, legal entities and governmental units. The ground for the origin of this right is acquisition of a property right to the tangible medium that fixes the unpublished work in the public domain. The author notes the expediency of existence of the construction of joint possession of the right to make public another person’s work in the public domain. The right to make public another person’s work in the public domain terminates in the case of making the work public and in the case of termination of property right to the tangible medium that fixes the unpublished work in the public domain. The study reveals the similarities and differences between the right to make public another person’s work in the public domain and the copyright holder’s right to make a work public after the death of the author. The research includes the distinction between the rights to make public a work after the death of the author and the author’s right to make own work public upon criterion of protected and ensured interests.
making a work public, right to make a work public, making public own work, making public another person’s work, public domain, prohibition on making public, tangible medium, publisher, exclusive right, non-property right, personal non- property right, interest
About the Authors

Batrameeva Nadezhda Vladislavovna,

senior teacher of Department of Entrepreneurial and Finance Law, Baikal State University,

664003, Irkutsk, Lenin st., 11, Russian Federation

e-mail :

For citation
The Right to Make Public Another Person’s Work in the Public Domain. Sibirskij yuridicheskij vestnik, 2020, no 1 (88), pp. 44–50. (in Russian)

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Full text (russian)