ISSN 2071-8136 (print)
ISSN 2071-8144 (online)

List of issues > Siberian Law Herald 2020.

Resocialization of Juvenile Offenders at Closed Type: Mediative Approach to the Activation of Family Resources

Sadovnikova Marianna Nikolaevna, Anischenko Alena Sergeevna
Both positive and negative dynamics in the family play a huge role in the involving in criminal activities of minors and how they are rehabilitated after they are already in the penal system. There are a lot of determinants of the criminalization of minors, however, the results of the project presented at the article showed that it is the activation of family resources is the most effective method for post-criminal adaptation and reduction of recidivism among juvenile offenders. It is important to build effective interaction with the family taking into account the specifics of families of a minor in a closed institution. The article highlights the most problematic issues concerning such families. These families are often unable to cope with these problems on their own and require special attention from specialists of closed institutions. The authors also point to the need to train professionals working with minors in closed institutions and their families. The specialists learn mediation and use technologies of mediation in practical activities, in particular in preventive work with juveniles and with their families, including in the resolution of disputes and conflicts and after the commission of offences. The specialists acquire skills aimed at fully re-establishing relationships around a juvenile offender. In order to achieve positive results in resocialization activities a mediative approach is important. Mediative approach should be applied to all subjects of interaction: a juvenile offender - his family - specialists working with them.
resocialization, family, family mediation, juvenile offender, mediative approach
About the Authors

Sadovnikova Marianna Nikolaevna

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Law, Law Institute, Irkutsk State University

1, K. Marx st., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation


Anishchenko Alena Sergeevna

noncommercial organization «Irkutsk Youth Fund of human rights defenders «Yuventa»

lawyer, mediator

Piskunova Str., 160, of.525, Irkutsk, 664081, Russian Federation


For citation
Resocialization of Juvenile Offenders at Closed Type: Mediative Approach to the Activation of Family Resources. Sibirskij yuridicheskij vestnik, 2020, no 1 (88), pp. 81–85. (in Russian)

1. Sadovnikova M.N., Anishchenko A.S. K voprosu o resocializacii nesovershennoletnih pravonarushitelej: rabota s sem’ej kak osnova profilaktiki prestupnosti nesovershennoletnih. Sibirian Law Herald, 2018, no. 4 (83), pp. 104-112. (in Russian)

2. Suturin M.A., Syrovatskaya A.A. Konstitucionnye osnovy ugolovno-pravovoj ohrany nesovershennoletnih. Sibirskie ugolovno-processualnye i kriminalisticheskie chteniya, 2019, no. 2 (24), pp. 107-112. (in Russian)

3. Sadovnikova M.N., Radnaeva E.L. K voprosu o roli vosstanovitel’nogo podhoda i mediativnyh tekhnologij v deyatel’nosti sub»ektov profilaktiki beznadzornosti i pravonarushenij nesovershennoletnih. Druzhestvennoe k rebenku pravosudie i vosstanovitel’nye tekhnologii. Proceedings of the 5rd International Scientific and Practical Conference, Ulan-Ude, 2016, pp. 286- 289. (in Russian)

4. Michelle A. Crawford. The Role of Family in Treating Juvenile Offenders. Available at: Role_of_Family_in_Treating_Juvenile_Offenders (date of access: 11.01.2020).

Full text (russian)