ISSN 2071-8136 (print)
ISSN 2071-8144 (online)

List of issues > Siberian Law Herald 2020.

Peculiarities of criminalistic characteristics of legalization (laundering) of incomes received by criminal way

Zhambalov Dmitry Bairovich
Among the measures to counter the legalization of criminal proceeds taken by the state, the key place is occupied by the activities of the investigating authorities and operational units aimed at identifying and investigating money laundering and other property acquired as a result of various predicate crimes. The effectiveness of this activity is largely due to the presence of practically sought-after investigative techniques. One of the stages of the development of such methods is the definition of the criminalistic characteristics of the crime. The purpose of the study is to identify and review the main elements of the forensic characterization of the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime. The article is based on the application of methods of analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, reveals such elements of forensic characteristics as information about the subject and place of the crime, the main methods and mechanism of laundering criminal proceeds, as well as typical traces resulting from money laundering or other property. Based on the analysis of investigative practices and materials of Rosfinmonitoring, it was concluded that all schemes for legalizing criminal proceeds consist of two or more elements. The first and mandatory element of all methods of legalization are fictitious financial transactions and other transactions with criminal proceeds in all their diversity. The second and subsequent elements of any legalization scheme are the use of - dummy individuals and“one-day firms”; money transfer systems in financial sector organizations; fictitious foreign economic activity, etc. The results of the study due to the insufficient elaboration of the problem under consideration can be used in the development of an effective method for investigating the legalization (laundering) of criminally obtained incomes.
legalization of criminal proceeds, way to commit a crime, typical traces of crime
About the Authors
Zhambalov Dmitry Bairovich - Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department, Department of Criminal and Legal Disciplines, East-Siberian State University of Technology and Management (40v, str. 4, Klyuchevskaya st., Ulan-Ude, 670033, Russian Federation), e-mail:
For citation
ZHambalov D.B. Osobennosti kriminalisticheskoj harakteristiki legalizacii (otmyvaniya) dohodov, poluchennyh prestupnym putem [Peculiarities of criminalistic characteristics of legalization (laundering) of incomes received by criminal way]. Sibirskij yuridicheskij vestnik [Siberian Law Herald]. 2020, no 2 (89), pp. 83–88. (in Russian).

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