ISSN 2071-8136 (print)
ISSN 2071-8144 (online)

List of issues > Siberian Law Herald 2020.

Legal and anthropo-legal aspects of the religious factor of threats to national security during the great patriotic war and at the present stage

Arzumanov Igor Ashotovich
The specifics of the implementation of the ideological function of the state in the field of ethno-confessional social relations is considered. From the standpoint of an anthropo-legal approach and historical and legal retrospection, an analysis is made of the religious-missiological factor of threats to national security. It is concluded that under the existing model of state-confessional relations, the practice of missionary activity of religious and confessional institutions may entail a number of negative consequences, mediated by the mechanism of transition of doctrinal religious and confessional consciousness to the praxisological level of the mission of religious institutions as activities related to the propaganda of confessional teaching. The individual, extra-group activity of each person related to the propaganda (certificate) of his faith, if it takes place without violating the law, remains beyond formal control. For missionary work in a positive legal vein, a formally secured permission for the missionary activity of citizens from the legal form of their religion that they represent is necessary. The state can control only the external manifestations of missionary activity, and they, within the framework of the awareness on the part of the adherents of the confessional strata of the reality of state control processes, can have quite respectable forms - inter-religious dialogue, reconciliation missions, ecumenism, etc. These forms, as a result of “coercion” by the state to an interfaith world, essentially do not change anything in the doctrinal imperative of propagating the truth of a religious or confessional doctrine of God, and the question of how radically individual government evidence can be assessed by state bodies the confession of the doctrinal foundations of religious doctrine by his adherent remains open. Strengthening the processes of atomization of the country’s sociocultural space on a religious basis, a latent aggravation of interfaith contradictions, as key factors of threats to the national security of the Russian Federation in the ideological sphere of public relations, require a revision of the model of state-confessional relations from secular to another, which can more adequately reflect the role of religious institutions in socially-political life of Russian society.
The Great Patriotic War, state, idea, ideology, state idea, national idea, ideological function, ethno-confessional relations
About the Authors
Arzumanov Igor Ashotovich – Doctor of Cultural Studies, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Constitutional Law and Theory of Law, Law Institute, Irkutsk State University (1, K. Marx st., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation), e-mail:
For citation
Arzumanov I.A. Pravovye i antropo-yuridicheskie aspekty religioznogo faktora ugroz nacional'noj bezopasnosti v gody velikoj otechestvennoj vojny i na sovremennom etape [Legal and anthropo-legal aspects of the religious factor of threats to national security during the great patriotic war and at the present stage] Sibirskij yuridicheskij vestnik [Siberian Law Herald]. 2020, no 3 (90), pp. 3–9.

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Full text (russian)