ISSN 2071-8136 (print)
ISSN 2071-8144 (online)

List of issues > Siberian Law Herald 2020.

Civil liability of the insolvency practitioner for violations related to the management of the economic activities of the insolvent debtor

Staritsyn Igor Aleksandrovich
The problematic issues of bringing arbitration managers to civil liability for the improper implementation of the economic activities of an insolvent debtor are analyzed. The conclusion is substantiated that the planning of the economic activity of an insolvent debtor during the period of external management and bankruptcy proceedings is carried out by an external or bankruptcy manager. It is established that the bankruptcy trustee is civilly liable for the unreasonable termination of the debtor’s business, or for its long continuation. The point of view is argued that the liability in question has a character similar to that of the ordinary head of a legal entity. Proposals have been made to improve Russian bankruptcy law and the practice of its application.
bankruptcy, insolvency practitioner, civil liability, economic activity, damages
About the Authors
Staritsyn Igor Aleksandrovich – Assistant Judge, Arbitration Court of the East Siberian District (14, Chkalova st., Irkutsk, 664025, Russian Federation), e-mail:
For citation
Staricyn I.A. Grazhdansko-pravovaya otvetstvennost' arbitrazhnogo upravlyayushchego za narusheniya, svyazannye s rukovodstvom hozyajstvennoj deyatel'nost'yu nesostoyatel'nogo dolzhnika // [Civil liability of the insolvency practitioner for violations related to the management of the economic activities of the insolvent debtor] Sibirskij yuridicheskij vestnik [Siberian Law Herald]. 2020, no 3 (90), pp. 63–67.

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Full text (russian)