ISSN 2071-8136 (print)
ISSN 2071-8144 (online)

List of issues > Siberian Law Herald 2020.

The editors received this article 10.05.2020

Programs of White Governments on Legal Regulation of State Construction, Economy and Social Relations during the Russian Civil War

Medvedev Valentin Grigoryevich
The main components of state-building programs and legal regulation of the socio-economic sphere of white governments at various stages of the Russian civil war are deal. The stages of the white movement, starting from the origin of its political and legal forms, are identified and their main content is presented. It is noted that the prehistory of the civil war was associated with the birth of the white movement, which was expressed in the revolt of General L. Kornilov, directed against bolsheviks extremism and the inaction of the left parties in strengthening the Russian state. How the growing influence of the bolsheviks in society and the inability of the Provisional government in the questions of public administration to meet the challenges of the time caused the movement of "autonomism" and "samostiynost" in Ukraine, Siberia, the cossacks regions and other regions on the outskirts of the former Russian Empire, within which the first state forms of the white movement were formed is analyzes. It is indicated that in the summer and autumn of 1918 under the leadership of left-wing parties in the Volga region, Siberia, the Northern region and the Far East, anti-soviet state entities were created, whose governments tried to continue the policy of the Vremennyy government under the slogan of the Constituent Assembly, which did not meet to the heat of socio-political confrontation and growing legal nihilism in society, which led to their collapse. It is determined that from December 1918 to June 1919 there was the highest rise of anti-soviet state construction, carried out under the leadership of the military leaders of the white movement. In this period government of the so-called "democratic counter-revolution", who tried to create an all-Russian authority of anti-soviet power in the person of the Directory, were forced to give way to the governments of "military dictatorships". It is revealed that the second half of 1919 and the subsequent period is associated with the collapse of anti-bolshevik state formations caused by military failures. It is concluded that these failures were due to the inadequacy of land and labor legislation, which did not meet the urgent interests of the general public, which formed the main contingent of the white armies. The article was carried out under the RFBR grant No. 20-011-00347 for 2020.
white movement, state, society, state entities, power, political system, legislation
About the Authors
Medvedev Valentin Grigoryevich – Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Institute of Law, Tolyatti State University (14, Belorusskaya st., Tolyatti, 445020, Russian Federation), e-mail:
For citation
Medvedev V.G. Plany belyh pravitel'stv po pravovomu regulirovaniyu gosudarstvennogo stroitel'stva, ekonomiki i social'nyh otnoshenij v gody grazhdanskoj vojny v Rossii [Programs of White Governments on Legal Regulation of State Construction, Economy and Social Relations during the Russian Civil War] Sibirskij yuridicheskij vestnik [Siberian Law Herald]. 2020, no 4 (91), pp. 3-9. (in Russian)

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