ISSN 2071-8136 (print)
ISSN 2071-8144 (online)

List of issues > Siberian Law Herald 2020.

The editors received this article 23.07.2020

System and Types of Social Services

Sinkevich Zhanna Viktorovna
It has been established that, for many years, special legal entities of state and municipal forms of ownership were created as characteristic of the social protection of citizens. In the modern period of development of organizations, the designated relations are associated with the transfer of state functions to legal entities, regardless of their form of ownership and to individuals. This tendency manifests itself in the creation of a system within which small and medium-sized businesses are also involved in the provision of social services. The article presents an analysis of social services from the standpoint of the systemic construction of relations. It is proposed to understand the social service system as the elements resulting in the provision of social services, these relations are regulated by public and private norms. It is concluded that such services are provided by a special subject composition of organizations and individual entrepreneurs, as well as by state-authorized bodies that coordinate these relations, decide to classify citizens as needy. A comparative analysis of the legislative concept “social service system” and its differences from the “system of social services” is offered. Through the analysis of the convergence of private and public principles, the tendency of convergence of the norms of social security and civil law is revealed. It is proposed to consider the types of social services through the features of social services as a special type of service. A comparison of social service legislation and provisions on social entrepreneurship is given. Identifying trends in the development of law, the author concluded that the legislator, by transferring part of the authority to provide social services to subjects of social entrepreneurship, determines the area of responsibility of each subject of relations, develops a mechanism for providing services through a competitive basis of providers of social services. Social services can be provided by any entity, including non-profit organizations. Social services can be provided by any entity, including non-profit organizations.
social entrepreneurship, service contract, social services
About the Authors
Sinkevich Zhanna Viktorovna - Teacher of Department of Civil Law, Irkutsk State University, Law Institute (1, K. Marx st., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation), e-mail:
For citation
Sinkevich Zh. V. Sistema i vidy social'nyh uslug [System and Types of Social Services] Sibirskij yuridicheskij vestnik [Siberian Law Herald]. 2020, no 4 (91), pp. 49-53. (in Russian)

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Full text (russian)