ISSN 2071-8136 (print)
ISSN 2071-8144 (online)

List of issues > Siberian Law Herald 2021. 2

The Doctrine of Erroneous Judgment and the Modern Theory of Miscarriages of Justice in Germany: General Characteristics and Their Significance for Establishing the Truth in German Criminal Proceedings

Trofimik Alexander Gennadievich
The research of the German criminal process reveals the main theoretical characteristics of theory of miscarriages of justice in German criminal procedure. The essential aspects of the doctrine of erroneous judgment are established. The conclusion about the significance of the doctrine of erroneous judgment for the modern theory of miscarriages of justice in Germany is formulated. Based on a comprehensive research of original German sources, the main provisions of the doctrine of erroneous judgment and the modern theory of miscarriages of justice in Germany are enunciated. The influence of discursive philosophy on theoretical ideas about criminal proceedings is established. The immediate practical applicability of these theories is rather low. In the author’s opinion, their importance, among other things, is that the problematics of miscarriages of justice in Germany are closely related to the concept of truth in criminal proceedings, which is uncharacteristically of Russian research in the designated area. Based on the analysis of German doctrine, the significance of theoretical provisions for establishing the truth in a criminal procedure is determined. A pragmatic, utilitarian German approach to the legislative formulation of truth in criminal proceedings is represented. The legislative recognition and interpretation of the truth in criminal proceedings are expressed. The correlation between the theoretical provisions on material truth and the theory of miscarriages of justice is confirmed. As the result of the research the functional meaning of truth for the theory and practice of criminal proceedings in Germany is enunciated. In addition, the German theoretic definition of the concept of «miscarriage of justice» is given. Characteristic of this concept are identified. The significance of the scientific conclusions of this article consists in determining the fundamental suitability of German dogma and theory for a comparative legal research of miscarriages of justice in Russia and Germany.
miscarriages of justice, material truth, criminal procedure of Germany, erroneous judgment, effectiveness of justice
About the Authors
Trofimik Alexandr Gennadievich – Senior Lecturer, Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Law Institute, Siberian Federal University (79, Svobodniy av., Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation), e-mail:
For citation
Trofimik A.G. Uchenie ob oshibochnom prigovore i sovremennaya teoriya oshibok v germanii: obshchaya harakteristika i ih znachenie dlya ustanovleniya istiny v nemeckom ugolovnom processe [The Doctrine of Erroneous Judgment and the Modern Theory of Miscarriages of Justice in Germany: General Characteristics and Their Significance for Establishing the Truth in German Criminal Proceedings] Sibirskij yuridicheskij vestnik [Siberian Law Herald]. 2021, no 2(93), pp. 104–110. DOI 10.26516/2071-8136.2021.2.104. (in Russian).
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