ISSN 2071-8136 (print)
ISSN 2071-8144 (online)

List of issues > Siberian Law Herald 2021. 4

Received on 08.09.2021; approved on 12.11.2021; accepted for publication on 01.12.2021

Problems of legal regulation of the conflict of interests in the activities of deputies of representative authorities of municipalities

Shishkin Sergei Ivanovich , Mikheev Aleksandr Viktorovich
The article considers the category of “conflict of interests” in the activities of deputies of representative bodies of municipalities, identifies concepts, signs of this category and what place it occupies in anti-corruption measures. The legislative regulation of the conflict of interests in the Russian Federation, its features in relation to municipal positions are investigated, situations leading to a conflict of interests and problems of their suppression are identified. As a result of the conducted research, the presence of assumptions in the anti-corruption legislation was revealed, leading to the inability to qualify certain situations arising from municipal deputies as a conflict of interests. It is established that these reasons are due to the presence of legal gaps in legislative norms and the lack of a unified approach in the anti-corruption regulation of public administration. It is proposed to consider labor relations as the cause of a conflict of interests between a municipal deputy and the head of a municipal formation when the former replaces a managerial position in a municipal organization. It is proved that such relations will inevitably lead to a conflict of interests, when the requirements for the implementation of the official duties of the head of a municipal organization can be implemented to the detriment of deputy powers (his public interests), including an agreed mutually beneficial position on a number of issues in the representative body of a municipal deputy with the head of a municipal formation, reduces the objectivity and impartiality of a municipal deputy when voting for certain decisions beneficial to both sides of the conflict of interests. In order to eliminate the identified shortcomings, it is proposed, by analogy with the prohibitive provisions of the law on municipal service, to prohibit municipal deputies from combining deputy activities with labor in municipal organizations. The legal definition of “personal interest” has been clarified by introducing the concept of “labor relations” into its formulation as one of the possible types of communication between interested parties of a conflict of interest.
conflict of interest, municipal deputy, corruption, municipal administration, problems of legal regulation, anticorruption legislation, representative body, local self-government, municipal organizations, labor relations
About the Authors
Shishkin Sergei Ivanovich – Doctor of Law, Professor, Department of Constitutional Law and Legal Theory, Law Institute, Irkutsk State University (1, K. Marx st., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation), ORCID: 0000-0003-4498-8631, е-mail:

Mikheev Aleksandr Viktorovich – Master’s Student, Department of Constitutional Law and Legal Theory, Law Institute, Irkutsk State University (1, K. Marx st., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation), ORCID: 0000-0002-9908-1618, ResercherID: ABD-1824-2021, e-mail:
For citation
Shishkin S. I., Miheev A.V. Problemy pravovogo regulirovaniya konflikta interesov v deyatel'nosti deputatov predstavitel'nyh organov municipal'nyh obrazovanij [Problems of legal regulation of the conflict of interests in the activities of deputies of representative authorities of municipalities] Sibirskij yuridicheskij vestnik [Siberian Law Herald]. 2021, no 4(95), pp. 60–70.DOI 10.26516/2071-8136.2021.4.60. (in Russian).
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