ISSN 2071-8136 (print)
ISSN 2071-8144 (online)

List of issues > Siberian Law Herald 2023. 1

Received on 04.12.2022; approved on 17.01.2023; accepted for publication on 08.02.2023

System and legal regulation of some elements of remote electronic voting in Russia

Rzhanovskiy Valeriy Alexandrovich
The main components of Remote Electronic Voting are highlighted: a software complex that provides Remote Electronic Voting, election commissions, voters (participants of Remote Electronic Voting), as well as observers. It was noted, that software used in Remote Electronic Voting, had significant impact to the activities of participants of elections. The need to take into account the technological features of electronic voting is justified. Due to the significant value of the software complex in the Remote Electronic Voting, it was proposed to regulate the characteristics and algorithms of the functioning of this complex. It is concluded that the scenario of real intervention in the information system of electronic voting should contain a sequential analysis of the area of intervention, the subject, the mechanism of impact, the digital trace, according to which one or another intervention can be determined, ways to verify such impact, consequences. In order to expand the use of electronic voting in Russia, it was proposed to create a system of election commissions responsible for conducting electronic voting. Prerequisites have been established for changing the nature of the activities of the Territorial Election Commission of Remote Electronic Voting from temporary to permanent basis. It is recommended to consolidate the authority to control the activities of administrators (developers) of the software complex of electronic voting for that election commission. In addition, it is proposed to create expert groups under that election commission in order to analyze the functioning of the software complex and organization of voting in general. It was concluded that it is advisable to coordinate the actions of election commissions, their methodological support when there be a transfer of powers to organize electronic voting to the level of election commissions of subjects of Russia. Territorial Election Commission of Remote Electronic Voting could provide such support.
Remote electronic voting, legal regulation, constitutional principles of elections, law, voting, technical development, observer, voter, election commission, cryptography, system, blockchain
About the Authors
Rzhanovskiy Valeriy Alexandrovich – Advocate, Member of Association Moscow Bar (43, Sivtsev Vrazhek lane, Moscow, 119002, Russian Federation), ORCID: 0000-0001-7430-913X, ResearcherID: GMW-8185-2022, e-mail:
For citation
Rzhanovskiy V. A. Sistema i pravovoe regulirovanie otdel'nyh elementov distancionnogo elektronnogo golosovaniya v Rossii [System and legal regulation of some elements of remote electronic voting in Russia] Sibirskij yuridicheskij vestnik [Siberian Law Herald]. 2023, no 1(100), pp. 20–27. DOI 10.26516/2071-8136.2023.1.20. (in Russian).
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Full text (russian)