ISSN 2071-8136 (print)
ISSN 2071-8144 (online)

List of issues > Siberian Law Herald 2024. 4

Received on 11.10.2024; approved on 25.10.2024; accepted for publication on 13.11.2024.

On the formation of the territories of the first municipalities in the Irkutsk region (for the 30th anniversary)

Praskova Svetlana Vasilevna
The article examines the process of formation of the first municipalities in the Irkutsk region in the period from 1995 to 1998. It is noted that at that time, federal legislation provided the subjects of the Russian Federation with considerable discretion in determining the territorial basis of local self-government. Any system of municipalities was allowed with minimum fixed requirements for their territory. The main factors that influenced the decision of the Irkutsk region on the formation of municipal territories are highlighted: 1) the actual territories of local communities; 2) the political situation related to the election of the second-convocation members of representative bodies at the regional and municipal levels; 3) the position of local authorities. In fact, 37 municipalities were created at the level of districts and cities of regional subordination. The author comes to the conclusion that there was a choice between the model of single-level municipalities or the preservation of a two-level system of territories of local communities. The choice of the district-city model in official documents is motivated by the fact that at the beginning of the second municipal reform in Russia, only these territories of local communities had their own elected authorities, budget and property. At the level of the territories of the district subordination, there were only elected heads of local administrations, there were no other attributes of a municipality. However, the author believes that an equally important reason for this decision was the complexity of work for regional authorities with a large number of municipalities. In conclusion, it is stated that at that stage the question of any qualitative revision of the actually existing boundaries of local government territories was not raised. The territories of the first municipalities of the Irkutsk region received their consolidation within the boundaries of administrative-territorial units of the Soviet period.
local government, municipal structure, territory of the local community, municipal reform, administrative-territorial structure, criteria of territorial organization, single-level model
About the Authors
Praskova Svetlana Vasil’evna – Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher, Institute of Legal Studies, Baikal State University (11, Leninа st., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation); ORCID: 0000-0003-4518-3659, ResearcherID: AAC-8601-2020, e-mail:
For citation
Praskova S. V. O formirovanii territorij pervyh municipal'nyh obrazovanij v Irkutskoj oblasti (k 30-letnemu yubileyu) [On the formation of the territories of the first municipalities in the Irkutsk region (for the 30th anniversary)] Sibirskij yuridicheskij vestnik [Siberian Law Herald]. 2024, no 4(107), pp. 52–64. – DOI 10.26516/2071-8136.2024.4.52 (in Russian)
342.26, 342.55
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Full text (russian)